相片分享_20231122_水墨藝博「藝術x科技 激發創意潛能」講座

日期: 22/11/2023

「藝術x科技 激發創意潛能」工作坊由水墨藝博主辦。水墨藝博是專注於當代水墨的藝術博覽會,積極探索水墨領域的無限可能性。是次工作坊以藝術科技為題,將傳統的中國水墨文化以嶄新的角度和互動形式推廣給各位同學,藉以培養創新思維。

The workshop "Using Art and Tech to Unleash Creativity" was organised by INK ASIA, an art fair specialising in contemporary ink art, with the aim of exploring the unlimited possibilities within this category. The workshop promoted the culture of Chinese traditional ink art to students and cultivated their creative thinking by presenting it from a new and interactive perspective through the integration of art tech.