相片分享_20231124_Sphero Bolt 球體機械人-小學STEM校際邀請賽

日期: 24/11/2023

本校STREAM小先鋒同學參加Sphero Bolt球體機械人-小學校際邀請賽,同學學習基本編程及設計令球型機械人會像遙控車般懂得按著指示滾動,進行了編程避障賽及水上競技賽,大家都很投入參與,獲益良多。

Students from our school's STREAM team participated in the Sphero Bolt spherical robot primary school inter-school invitational. The students learned basic coding and design to make the ball-shaped robot roll according to instructions, similar to a remote-controlled car. They took part in coding obstacle avoidance races and water-based competitions, and everyone was highly engaged and benefited greatly from the experience.